Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kale Kale and more Kale

If switching to Paleo has done one thing for me it has made me more willing to try things I've never had before! Kale...WTH is that? A green leafy veggie...I had never heard of before starting Paleo. What's all the fuss? High in beta carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C, not to mention anti-cancer properties!! Yay Wiki!! So any who...I bought what the heck do I do with it!!

Kale Chips for one!! There are tons of recipes on the Internet for Kale Chips. I made three different types tonight. Garlic, Cayenne Pepper and my favorite of the bunch...Raspberry Balsamic Vinegar and Sea Salt!! I was truly amazed at how crispy they became!

I had one more leaf left over so I decided to try a recipe from Nom Nom Paleo. Bacon and Kale Stir Fry. Quite tasty if I do say so!! Did I mention that all of this was made at 2330 last night...made for a great snack at work!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

In the beginning...

As I write this post I reflect on my breakfast from this omelet and two pieces of white toast, followed by a Little Debbie Fudge Round. I've been trying the Paleo thing for a few months but like anything I've tried in the past...I cheat. By starting this blog I am hoping that this may hold me more accountable to myself. I will say that my quasi Paleo eating habits and CrossFit have helped me shed almost 45 lbs, so I guess I have been doing something right. ;) It has also brought out a new found love of cooking!! (the clean-up is another story) While I've yet to get the rest of the family on board, I have one little helper who at least will try everything I make. I don't plan to replicate all the info out there why Paleo is good for you...that's already been taken care of. My hope for this blog is to inspire others on a quest to eat healthier for themselves and family, the way our ancestors did. So it begins...or re-begins...a new cave girl in the making.