Monday, September 10, 2012

Baby Land at night...

Can be hard on anyone trying to diet. You have to have some food to feed your brain! The good ole cafeteria...soon to be "Bistro" at the hospital gives a lovely choice of usually fried fried and more fried foods. Occasionally we'll get something like steamed cauliflower or broccoli. Usually the veggie of the day is peas, corn or Lima beans! Hello don't they know that all of those are bad for you!?! LOL! I can for sure tell you that since I started eating Paleo that I have saved a ton of money from not buying cafeteria food! I usually try to pack a good amount of protein with a couple of veggies and maybe a fruit.
Variety is the spice of life right?!?! The girls all get wraps on Wednesdays. Made with, I'm not kidding, a 12" tortilla. Think Chipotle size!! Who needs tortillas when you have Applegate Roast Beef and Pepperoni!!! You know in the Paleo world using lettuce as a wrap or "bread" is a standard go to. Taking a page from Meagan and Health-bent why not let the meat itself do the honors?!? Stuff it with all kinds of things!! I love looking at my lunches when they are laid out in the compartmentalized containers!! LOL!

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